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Sophiya Chiang

Incoming Curator, WEF Global Shapers HK Hub

Founder & CTO, deploy.

Hong Kong


Sophiya Chiang is a data and computer scientist with a passion for inclusive entrepreneurship. She has dedicated her career to empowering startups and breaking down barriers in the innovation economy. As the Founder & CTO of Deploy, a Venture Capital Infrastructure platform, Sophiya is revolutionizing the fundraising landscape by providing access to alternative funding channels through a distributed deal scouting and expert evaluation network.

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12.00 - 12.30

Moonshot Ideas

Time for a rapid-fire mind stretch. We present two big ideas for any serious impact investor’s agenda - forward-looking and systemic shifts already at play. First, how can AI be used to amplify social impact, in specific, scalable ways? Hear from one of Hong Kong’s brightest purpose-led data scientists & founders, Sophiya Chiang. Second, how can behaviour-oriented circular solutions lead to systemic change?

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